
News Center Industry information

CIEC Group specializes in domestic and international iron and steel trade


Hot couplet android science and technology co., LTD., founded in 2021, heat group wholly owned subsidiary. In 2022, total assets exceeds 500000 tons, the highest in China's industry of the previous two. Business covering the whole country 22 provinces and cities, warehousing logistics plate 23 standardization service base construction, and gradually moves towards the international market. Hot android efforts to build platform model, realization of assets under management in 2024 to 3 million tons, forming "siphon effect", as China's industry scale, profitability, first industry quality enterprises.

Contact Number
+86 0571-86708009
24-27,30-31,33-35/F Hanjia International Building, 8 Dangui Street, Fuchun Road,Hangzhou CBD, Shangcheng District,Hangzhou, China
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